What is a Citizen Grand Jury in Nebraska?

Missing or Murdered?

Ways You Can Help

Join us at #JusticeForChance, then select your level of involvement, from just getting updates, to actively acquiring signatures for a Grand Jury Investigation into the disappearance of Chance Englebert.  Scroll down for all the ways you could help.

Call for FBI

FBI Needed for Chance Englebert Disappearance

There is an active petition on change.org requesting this case be handed off to the FBI. The petition currently has over 20,000 signatures.


Here's How You Can Help

Those willing to ask people for their signature if they are a Scotts Bluff County Registered Voter.

Those willing to help with public relations, team organization, and social media promotions.

Registered Voters are essentially THE most important part of a petition drive for a grand jury. 

We also need those who are Committed Sharers

If you are committed to helping, but can't help with the above activities, there is still a way to help!

Share everything we put out, every time.
Share until you are blue in the face. 
Share until you are sick of sharing.

THAT's how you can help!

This campaign is not about theories or blame. Our goal is to raise awareness to this and other unsolved cases in Scotts Bluff County.

Panhandle Scanner
Panhandle Scanner

Panhandle Scanner would like to bring attention to the amazing effort of the many social media support groups, citizen-led investigations, podcasters and others who have worked so hard in an attempt to solve this case.


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